[Tb] OT - Open source tools

From: David J Garbutt <d.garbutt__AT__intergga.ch>
Date: Wed Dec 14 2005 - 00:38:48 EST

> Instead, I am gradually
> replacing Tinderbox with a loosely-coupled assembly of open source tools.
> Several other people are thinking along these lines: see
> http://decafbad.com/blog/2005/11/02/still-seeking-an-exploded-tinderbox-for-ti
> ger
> for example. In the meantime, my aging copy of the program is serving me well
> during this awkward transition period.
If you are looking at other software, you should definitely monitor the
Tiddlywiki world.
Start from www.tiddlywiki.com.

It is a single HTML page notepad implemented with a few hundred K of
JavaScript - so it has to be open source. ;-)

There are lots of Tinderbox things it doesn't have, but it is amazing how
useful it is with what it does have.
There have been experiments with TB map like interfaces, there are versions
that can write LaTex (for math expressions), the list is almost endless.

It can use a couple of different tagging schemes. I find taggly-tagging
best -in this way all tags are also tiddlers (TB, notes) and so when opened
can have an auto-generated list.
It doesn't have agents of course, although it can generate list of tiddlers
dynamically by their tags, so it is part of the way.

I now have used it since late June for my work diary, Unix notes, etc. This
is great for me because we can't install software there and also it is
Windows XP, so I can't use Tinderbox.

Dave Garbutt
Ingelsteinweg 4d
CH 4143 Dornach
+41 79 326 8970  (Home: 061 692 6349)
Peace is made with yesterday's enemies. What is the alternative?
Shimon Peres, Israeli politician
Received on Wed Dec 14 00:39:16 2005

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