[Tb] eliminating nested folders on export

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Thu Dec 02 2004 - 11:02:08 EST

> i wonder if putting an alias where you want it to export could do what
> you want?

This is what I have been doing. Oh - not quite. You have to put the
original where you want the export, which is kind of awkward.

> another solution is to have an agent gather that note and
> then export the agent with a template that simply includes the note
> with it's standard export template ( ^justChildren() ). but i havent
> tried, only guesses? good question, though?

This is a fairly neat solution, I think, and similar to the one that
Dr. Bernstein suggested in a private email, which is to put a note at
the desired export location and include the contents of the real note
with an ^include. As usual, Tinderbox gives you several ways to do it.
I would have a lot of use for an attribute or a checkbox in the HTML
view that said "export this note to the top level of the export folder,
ignoring its location in the Tinderbox hierarchy".
Received on Thu Dec 2 16:02:08 2004

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