[Tb] eliminating nested folders on export

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Mon Feb 14 2005 - 18:24:18 EST

A while back I posted a question about getting a (possibly) deeply nested note exported to a shallower place in the filesystem. There were a few suggestions that involved either using aliases or ^include. I was using the former, but using ^include can be neater. However, I've run in to a problem: I seem to be able to make an alias to any note and have it exported where I put it, as long as the HTMLDontExport attribute is set appropriately. But my limited experimentation suggests that if any part of the ^include path it set to not be exported, then the note will not be exported, even if its HTMLDontExport attribute is set appropriately. So this won't work (and due to this rule it would seem that the usefulness of the ^include feature is sharply limited. I'm talking about ^include within the note text, although I would bet that it behaves similarly in a template.).

Is this the way it is supposed to work? Am I doing something wrong?
Received on Mon Feb 14 23:24:18 2005

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