aye-aye on unicode

From: Talal Al-Azem <talazem_at_gmx.net>
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 23:10:41 +0300

I too am quite impressed with 3.5; everything that changed is, to
me at least, at least somewhat useful, and the sidebar is quite so.
the "similar notes" feature is something that DEVONthink Pro has
spoiled me with, and I'm happy to see something resembling it in

But the unicode...for those of use dealing with languages other than
just English (or tranlsiterating from other languages into English),
the world of unicode is no longer a trivial matter.

To be fair, however, it doesn't appear that this is the fault of
the TB devlopment team. The 3.0 (I believe) of the text engine, WASTE,
is apparently coming along, however slow it might seem to those
of us impatient for a unicode-able TB.

Mark: all I'd like to say, is please convey to the WASTE developers
that the start of academic year 2006-2007 would be a GREAT time to
have a unicode-able TB... :-)

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