sequencing notes

From: Lew Friedland <>
Date: Thu Jun 08 2006 - 17:47:41 EDT

Hello all,
I'm sure there is a way to do this, just not sure how.
I am taking notes on the argument of a book, long and complex. Each
note will take on a prototype based on its argument type: e.g. claim,
reason, evidence, etc. Each chapter will have it's own container.
So, all Chapter Four notes will be grouped together (ideally); then
within Chapter Four, there will be a structure of claims, reasons,
evidence etc.
My question is: for all notes on, say, Chapter Four. Is there a way
to retain the sequence in which I've created them? In otherwords, the
basic structure will be claim (1), claim (2), reason (1)...claim
(n). I will want to move them around as I am looking for emergent
structures of argument, but will also want to know where they were in
the original argument so I can always reconstruct the original sequence.
Suggestions for simplest way to do this?
Lew Friedland
Received on Thu Jun 8 17:47:53 2006

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