Firefox Bookmarks to TB 3?

From: Ken Tompkins <>
Date: Thu Jun 08 2006 - 12:55:16 EDT

I have a huge and unorganized listing of Firefox bookmarks I'd like
to get control of. They
need to be put in folder collections and organized under larger
subject headings.
TB is clearly ideal for storing them store them and its agents would
be ideal to search for patterns I might not see.

But how to move them from Firefox to TB?

I can, of course, drag them into notes and notes within notes but
that will take a great
number of hours and I will have to have an organizational scheme
before I attempt it.
Is there some other TB way to grab the urls? or is there a way to
export them from
Firefox that TB will accept? What about OPML? Will Firefox export and
TB import OPML

I realiize this isn't a very high end use but I've GOT to do
something about organizing
what I have. As it is, it's of little use.


                            Kenneth Tompkins
                        Professor of Literature
                  Richard Stockton College of NJ
                    Deserted Medieval Village:
Received on Thu Jun 8 12:55:14 2006

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