Re: [Tb] Ideas for Todos...

From: <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 2006 - 08:26:40 EDT

> * add some loginfo to the textfield of the note and adapt attributes

Well, the bad news is that "Text" is not actually an attribute, and thus
cannot be manipulated by Agents, Stamps, and such. As far as I can tell, it
is a special, output-only function of the template system.

The best way to automate some kind of "log file" concept, that I can think
of ten minutes after waking up, would be to have an agent that collects
completed items, and a text template which displays a log line for each one,
in the parent. So you get a nice list of dates and items that you can copy
and paste into the contents of a log note, manually -- or just go ahead and
export and save it as an actual log file.

I do sure wish Text was an attribute. Seeing as how everything else is, and
it does not really make any logical sense for it not to be, my guess is
there is some technical limitation in the Attribute assignment system that
does not allow for large quantities of text, and possibly images, meta-data
like fonts, and links).

Received on Tue Apr 25 08:33:22 2006

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