[Tb] aTbRef updated for v2.5.0

From: Mark Anderson <mac>
Date: Mon Jul 04 2005 - 13:07:09 EDT

Fellow Tinderbox users,

I've updated the aTBRef web page reference to reflect TB v2.5.0, plus I've
added further content and have removed a lot of typos (sorry!). Screen grabs
have been updated as required. Index page:

The TB file used as source for the above can be downloaded from
http://www.acrobatfaq.com/tbx/index/aboutatb/download.html (though the d/l
is not always as up to date as the site).

One small issue noticed but not yet noted is that as of v2.5.0, caret (^)
symbols in note titles are now interpreted unlike in v2.4.1 or earlier. In
order to enable HTML export all carets are doubled in the source file - so
edit them out if copying any source text.

I hope users find the reference of use. Please let me know of any
errors/omissions/typos if you see them.


Mark Anderson
Portsmouth UK

Received on Mon Jul 4 13:06:28 2005

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