[Tb] Textile for HTML export

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Mon Oct 18 2004 - 14:24:39 EDT

> I would like it if the part of Tinderbox that handles HTML generation
> and import was "pluggable". I.e., that we could tell TB that export
> means "run the file through this pipeline"

Me too! My specific reason is that, while the HTML export as is is
flexible enough to handle just about anything, hypertext links can only
be transformed to standard HTML links. I don't just export to web pages,
but to LaTeX source too, and I would like to be able to define how links
are exported[1] so that I could, for example, generate hyperref[2] links
that could be transformed by pdflatex to hyperlinks in the final pdf
file. I'm CCing to Eastgate: please add this to your pile of feature

[1]I know I can use a Tinderbox macro, but it would be more convenient
if the text links and basic links could be used.

[2]A package for LaTeX that lets you define a hyperlink with options for
pdf, paper, and HTML final output.
Received on Mon Oct 18 18:24:39 2004

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