[Tb] TinderDo sample file

From: Richard Chamberlain <richard__AT__sunsetandlabrea.com>
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 06:45:52 EDT


>Some ideas/questions I've had while using the TinderDo idea:
>* When a sub-task appears in an agent listing (like doToday) I have
>only it's own title to go by. What I'd like to seee tho is a reference
>to the parent task, which in my case would be the actual project the
>task belongs to. Now I could do this by using prefixed titles for each
>task, but that seems like a waste. Any ideas?

This is similar to a problem I posted about a few weeks ago.

Basically when you use agents to gather you get a one deep structure
meaning that any context that the item had would be lost. For instance
having a structure like:

            Add a checkbox in preferences

Gathering the to do leaves me with just Add a checkbox in preferences.

To get round this you almost have to add the context in the title 'Add a
checkbox in preferences for Project1, which feels redundant to me.

I'd like a link to the original item so I can instantly get context, or
another way of visually seeing that context. Currently I have a project
attribute where I type in the name of project, but I feel this is more
effort than it should be.

>* the ToDo model asumes all tasks are to be do by me. I use it to also
>keep track of tasks to be completed by others... any ideas here?

I would just add a Owner attribute where you can enter a persons name.
Then use agents to gather by owner.

>As I said, a lot of what I'm doing is more into project
>planning/management and beyond ToDo lists but I'd love to see some
>discussion about that here.

Yes me too, as this is my main application of Tinderbox.


Received on Tue May 4 06:45:52 2004

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