[Tb] TinderDo sample file

From: Martin Spernau <martin__AT__traumwind.de>
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 06:28:42 EDT

I've been using the TinderDo sample file as a basis for my
project-planning and am liking it very much. One main benefit of
Tinderbox vs. Calendaring Apps (iCal for example) here is the
flexibility of display, mainly due to the use of agents...

Some ideas/questions I've had while using the TinderDo idea:
* When a sub-task appears in an agent listing (like doToday) I have only
it's own title to go by. What I'd like to seee tho is a reference to the
parent task, which in my case would be the actual project the task
belongs to. Now I could do this by using prefixed titles for each task,
but that seems like a waste. Any ideas?

* I have been using it to also keep track of already completed tasks.
I'd like to heave a 'project history' like funktionality. Currently this
works ok, as completed tasks simply dissappear for the ToDo agents
listings and 'move' to the 'completed' agents listing... I'd love to
hear ideas how one xould make this more usefull

* I'd like to have a 'estimated completion time' attribute, so not only
the due date is used for when to disply antask, but also how much time
will be needed... ok this is going way bejond ToDo lists and into
Project-management realms.. ideas?

* the ToDo model asumes all tasks are to be do by me. I use it to also
keep track of tasks to be completed by others... any ideas here?

As I said, a lot of what I'm doing is more into project
planning/management and beyond ToDo lists but I'd love to see some
discussion about that here.

Thanks, Martin

Oliver Wrede wrote:

> Hello.
> I have added a sample file for a ToDo list management with Tinderbox. It
> is basically implementing the description of "TinderDo" by Gordon Meyer
> (http://radio.weblogs.com/0100524/stories/2002/06/08/TinderDo.html).
> Unfortunatly he did not include a sample file to start directly. So I
> made one myself.
> It is available here:
> http://wrede.interfacedesign.org/archives/753.html
> Regards,
> Oliver Wrede
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Received on Tue May 4 06:28:42 2004

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