[Tb] Exporting with multiple templates?

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Wed Jun 02 2004 - 16:59:12 EDT

> What about sending it to a separate .html file? For example, I
> would
> want to send all of my reviews to the "review" web page

This sounds like an ideal application for agents. Make a prototype
for your reviews, and have an agent that gathers them. This agent
becomes your "review" web page. In practice it will be more elaborate
than this, of course, because you'll want the review web page to have
links to the reviews, rather than the text of all the reviews on
one page (I assume). But this should all be possible to do with
agents and templates.
Received on Wed Jun 2 16:59:12 2004

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