[Tb] Exporting with multiple templates?

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Wed Jun 02 2004 - 14:54:24 EDT

I'm not completely clear on what you are trying to do:
do you want to export different notes to the different
sections, or the same notes more than once? If the former,
you can have different templates attached to different
notes: the HTMLExportTemplate is one of the attributes
of a note, and you can assign it any template file you
want. If the latter, it's more complicated; perhaps you
could use agents that gather the notes as children, where
the style is determined by the agents' templates. Of course
if it's just a matter of style, each tab can have its own
stylesheet and the problem is solved for the most part
outside of Tinderbox.
Received on Wed Jun 2 14:54:24 2004

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