[Tb] HTML Export and re-uploading

From: Oliver Wrede <Wrede__AT__fh-aachen.de>
Date: Wed Apr 14 2004 - 18:26:32 EDT

Am Apr 14, 2004 um 16:07 schrieb Mark Bernstein:

> With the exception of images, Tinderbox is actually *optimal* at not
> making you re-upload HTML files that do not need to be uploaded! We
> do a *lot* of work under the hood to reduce unneeded file transfer.

I have noticed Tinderbox does quite a good job (excluding the images as
you say). But besides of the images I see a number of page uploads that
do not fall into that category.

Tinderbox also touches those files that contain those images I believe
(and those files that happen to include these somehow).

After exporting and synchronizing to the server I re-synchronized.
Nothing was uploaded. Then I exported+synchronized again without
changing anything in the site.

Here is what got uploaded:

Uploading archives/711.jpg: [................] done.
Uploading articles/interface/navigationaltool1.jpg:
[.................................................] done.
Uploading articles/interface/navigationaltool.jpg:
[.........................................................] done.
[.................] done.
[...............] done.
[.........................] done.
Uploading articles/tools/twisted.html: [........] done.
Uploading articles/tools/tinderbox.html: [.........] done.
Uploading articles/tools/frontierandradio.html: [........] done.
Uploading articles/tools.html: [.........] done.
Uploading articles/interface.html: [.........] done.
Uploading dev/manila/plugins/metarenderer.jpg:
[..........................................] done.
Uploading teaching.html: [........] done.
Uploading publications.html: [..........] done.
Uploading dev.html: [........] done.
Uploading categories.html: [.............] done.
Uploading articles.html: [.........] done.
Uploading archives.html:
.............................................................] done.

 From what you say I can see that these images get uploaded again, but
all those HTML files haven't changed by a byte. I looked at the files
and saw that indeed their file date was newer (displaying the time of
the last export). I am not quite sure what makes Tinderbox re-render
those files.

> Of course, Tinderbox makes it easy to change all sorts of things that
> are visible across your site, That means you can fix problems and add
> new features, and see them reflected right away. But, of course, if
> you improve every page of your site, you need to expect that every
> page is going to need to be uploaded.

I have started to take advantage of server capabilities.

For instance: I have a category statistic on every page of every single
weblog item (e.g. http://wrede.interfacedesign.org/archives/265.html).
The "normal way" would require to render+upload each posting again
because a single post would change those numbers behind the category
What I --in fact-- use is some kind of server side include: the HTML
snippet is rendered to an extra file which then is included. I
personally use Zope on the server. But many standard servers can do SSI
(server side includes) or PHP (which can inlcude files as well).

Oliver Wrede
Received on Wed Apr 14 18:26:32 2004

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