Using Plucker with the Mac OS X command line

Image Handling Externals

Plucker uses some external libraries to convert images to Palm format. It will look for something it can use on your system; one of the libraries it knows how to use is the Python Imaging Library, or PIL. Fortunately, the OS X Plucker download comes with this library already installed in the Application package, at


You can use this library in your own python code; it's pretty up-to-date, although you will see a minor error message about "Python C API version mismatch" if you have the python that comes with OS X 10.3 - it seems to be of no consequence. If you already have the PIL installed (in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/site-packages) Plucker will use that instead.

The PIL is great. I use it to make the thumbnails for my little database of photographs.

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