Using Plucker with the Mac OS X command line

Configuration File

You need to do a few things before Plucker will run from the command line.

Make a directory in your home directory called ".plucker". In this directory, create a file called "plucker.ini". This is your configuration file; it contains default values for command line options that you don't want to have to type, and values for options that can not be specified on the command line.

(The documentation might suggest to you that this file should be called ".pluckerrc" on the unix-based OS X system, but the source code contains a comment that tries to explain why they went with the other name.)

Here is my plucker.ini file:


The "image_parser" parameter can not be specified on the command line, and is required. This option works for the Python Imaging Library included with the download (and with the slightly different version that I happen to have installed).

All the other options have the effect of rendering images as small thumbnails that become links to full-sized (scrollable) versions.

The graphical front-end maintains its own configuration file in ~/Library/Plucker/plucker.ini. You can look in here to see the effect of different preference settings.

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