05/03/2025 08:03 Japanese Translation of Einstein’s Tutor: Today my publisher signed a contract with Misuzu Shobo of Tokyo to distribute a Japanese edition of my book about Emmy Noether and her eponymous theorem. Other translations on the way are Simplified Chinese, Polish, and Russian.
23/2/2025 9:11 The Case Against UNRWA: “UNRWA, despite its claims to be a humanitarian agency, has forged an unholy alliance with Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist organizations.”
19/2/2025 11:29 1 + 2 + 3 + … = −1/12: I’m really tired of seeing the nonsense claim that appears in the title of this article, which is a clear and concise explanation for why it is nonsense.
17/02/2025 22:19 Web Applications with Julia: My article appeared in the February edition of “ADMIN magazine”. You can buy the issue or single articles at the link, or pick up the magazine at many bookstores.
10/2/2025 16:26 Jean Shepherd archives on YouTube: I think I discovered Jean Shepherd’s radio show in 7
th grade. I was immediately hooked. The legendary storyteller’s late-night sessions were responsible for many sleepy schooldays. Today I learned that many of Shepherd’s broadcasts are preserved on YouTube (just search) and on
archive.org. I also learned today that Shepherd more or less
inspired Jerry Seinfeld to become a comedian.
6/2/2025 10:46 The Return Of Doomscrolling: Rui Carmo: “the West’s former beacon of economic might is being run like a Mexican soap opera”.
31/01/2025 13:28 New horizons for Julia: My article about Julia 1.11 and new directions for the language. I talk about new tooling for installation, compilation to small binaries, Julia in browsers, and more.