[Tb] Tinderbox --> iPod notes?

From: David J Garbutt <d.garbutt>
Date: Sun May 29 2005 - 00:57:22 EDT

> Now that I think on it, such an HTML export would be perfect for access
> from a mobile phone browser or similar device... Hmm...


I have a Sony-ericsson P900, I maintain my project planning on there with a
product called projekt from kylom software.
Projekt supports export to OPML - so my plan is to use tat route for round

Not quite there yet but injecting OPML into TB is viable and MAP has done
some stuff (which I still need to test :-(

Dave Garbutt
Ingelsteinweg 4d
CH 4143 Dornach
+41 79 326 8970  (Home: 061 692 6349)
Peace is made with yesterday's enemies. What is the alternative?
Shimon Peres, Israeli politician
Received on Sun May 29 00:57:12 2005

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