[Tb] Tinderbox --> iPod notes?

From: Nik <Gerber>
Date: Fri May 27 2005 - 14:11:47 EDT

On May 24, 2005, at 6:59 AM, Scott Price wrote:

> I'd be inclined to use the text export rather than HTML. That way you
> could have it work alongside an HTML export. Is there a reason to use
> HTML export instead?

True, that would be an advantage. The main reason to use HTML is to
support links between the iPod documents. While I could do it with some
fancy macros in the text export, it's far easier on HTML.

On the other hand, with the right tags applied to the file, the (many)
HTML tags which the iPod doesn't support could be readily ignored. This
would permit the same export to be used for a simplistic HTML export
(which could look pretty fancy if tied into the right CSS).

Now that I think on it, such an HTML export would be perfect for access
from a mobile phone browser or similar device... Hmm...

Received on Tue May 24 14:31:29 2005

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