[Tb] LaTeX article template

From: Bob Torres <bob-keyword-tbox.d39c7f__AT__rjtorres.net>
Date: Sat Jan 08 2005 - 11:40:36 EST

Hello all,

I've created a quick (and very basic) little Tinderbox file and export
templates to do simple exporting of a set of Tinderbox notes to a LaTeX
document using the article class. I hope I'm not reinventing the wheel:
I googled around and found people *talking* about doing this kind of
thing, but I couldn't find anything in the "public sphere" for download.

So, here goes my little contribution. It is quite basic -- if you have
ideas about extending it, let me know, and I'll incorporate them. My
ultimate goal would be to put something more polished together for the
Tinderbox public file exchange. For now, this is really not so bad for
meeting my own basic LaTeX export needs.

You can download it at:

http://www.rjtorres.net/LaTeX-article.sitx (50kb)

best regards,


Robert Torres, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
St. Lawrence University Canton, NY, USA
[e] bob__AT__rjtorres.net ++ [f]  315-229-5803 ++ [o] 315-229-5109
Received on Sat Jan 8 16:40:36 2005

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