The Simpsons
The Simpsons Archive is the Internet’s clearinghouse of Simpsons guides, news and information, voluntarily maintained by members of
The Simpsons Syndication Cuts Guide: the details on which scenes, quotes, ad infinum, have been cut from the series in domestic syndication.
TV-related and other hardware at very reasonable prices.
Cheap Home Theater: A movie screen, a DVD player, and a cheap ($800) computer projector, some speakers, and you’re done.
Hacking TiVo: A review on Slashdot of the book by Jeff Keegan.
EyeTV: Review of a TV tuner and decoder that plugs into a Mac USB port: for OS X.
Washington Post on HDTV Recording
Turning a beige mac into a DVR: Work by Javier Díaz Reinoso, including a program for controlling a DirecTV box.
Building My MythTV Box, Part 1: Hardware