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Rankings of Julia books on Amazon

Lee Phillips

Here is a plot of all the books I could find for sale on Amazon about the Julia programming language. The plot shows the overall book rank displayed by Amazon on the vertical axis (log scale). Hover over the dots to see a book’s full name and authors; click on a dot to buy the book on Amazon. The title on the plot indicates when the data was scraped; I’ll update this regularly.

Produced by GNUPLOT 6.0 patchlevel 0 105 106 107 108 gnuplot_plot_1 gnuplot_plot_2 Practical Julia Numerical Linea... Julia as a Seco... Think Julia: Ho... Mastering Julia... Julia for Scien... Ultimate Parall... Using Julia for... Julia Programmi... Hands-On Design... Julia for Data ... Julia High Perf... Interactive Vis... The Little Book... Julia - Bit by ... Julia 1.0 Progr... Julia for Machi... Data Science wi... Julia Quick Syn... Web Development... Statistics with... Algorithms with... Beginning Julia... High-Performanc... Julia Programmi... Rank in Books bookrank at 1FEB2025 13:38 UTC

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