24/9/2024 14:18 A short review on Noether’s theorems, gauge symmetries and boundary terms: This widely-cited paper came out in 2016 but I just found out about it (too late to mention it in
the book): “This review is dedicated to some modern applications of the remarkable paper written in 1918 by E. Noether. [I]n a single paper, Noether discovered the crucial relation between symmetries and conserved charges as well as the impact of gauge symmetries on the equations of motion. Almost a century has gone since the publication of this work and its applications have permeated modern physics. Our focus will be on some examples that have appeared recently in the literature. This review is aim[ed] at students, not researchers.” Also at https://arxiv.org/abs/1601.03616.
14/9/2024 8:39 Einstein’s Tutor: A review of my book in
Science: “Phillips’s writing shines in his exhaustively researched historical narrative…Accessible to both nonscientists and trained physicists…ultimately, everyone will learn something new from this book.”
10/9/2024 15:24 Einstein’s Tutor sold out on Amazon: My book about Emmy Noether and the emergence of modern physics went on sale today. Shortly after midnight, Amazon reported the book as out of stock: the pre-orders wiped out their inventory.
10/9/2024 15:10 DBCollections.jl: Lets you “use the exact same code to manipulate regular Julia collections and SQL databases.” This will be immediately useful: data persistence, using arrays not limited by RAM, and more.
31/08/2024 12:10 Three Translations for Einstein’s Tutor: As of today we have contracts to translate the book into Russian (with distribution in Russia and the
CIS), Polish (with worldwide distribution), and Simplified Chinese (with distribution in Mainland China).
31/8/2024 10:04 The aside element: The humble
element, with insights about accessibility.
27/8/2024 10:56 Poor Foundations in Geometric Algebra: “Many of the foundational concepts in geometric algebra (GA) are poorly designed at the defining level and/or hijack the meanings of well established terminology.” I’ve noticed that GA is somewhat of a fad in some programming circles. If you think you want to learn it, read this article first and choose your textbooks carefully.