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Lee Phillips


6/9/2024 15:26 ‘Einstein’s Tutor’ Review: Emmy Noether in Space and Time: An intelligent review of Einstein’s Tutor is up at the Wall Street Journal.
5/9/2024 15:18 Exclusive: Editor resigns after he says publisher blocked criticism of decision to retract paper on gender dysphoria: An important story about the ideological capture of some of our formerly prestigious scientific journals.
1/9/2024 15:49 Columbia task force reports ‘crushing’ discrimination against Jews: This report could be describing the university environment in 1930s Germany.
31/08/2024 12:10 Three Translations for Einstein’s Tutor: As of today we have contracts to translate the book into Russian (with distribution in Russia and the CIS), Polish (with worldwide distribution), and Simplified Chinese (with distribution in Mainland China).
31/8/2024 10:04 The aside element: The humble HTML element, with insights about accessibility.
29/8/2024 22:36 A new non-parametric method to infer galaxy cluster masses from weak lensing: “a new, non-parametric method to infer deprojected 3D mass profiles M(r) of galaxy clusters from weak gravitational lensing observations…We provide an efficient implementation in Julia code that runs in a few milliseconds per galaxy cluster.”
29/8/2024 10:21 A Stupid Cartoon and the University Ideology: The current surge of antisemitism in the U.S. and Europe placed in historical and cultural context as only Paul Berman can.
27/8/2024 10:56 Poor Foundations in Geometric Algebra: “Many of the foundational concepts in geometric algebra (GA) are poorly designed at the defining level and/or hijack the meanings of well established terminology.” I’ve noticed that GA is somewhat of a fad in some programming circles. If you think you want to learn it, read this article first and choose your textbooks carefully.
22/8/2024 14:35 The Elegant Universe: 25th Anniversary Edition: Mathematician Peter Woit looks at the string theory hype machine on the 25th anniversary of Brian Greene’s The Elegant Universe.
14/8/2024 16:26 verbose, verboser, verbosest: More curl help on the command line, this time in the form of three degrees of verboseness.
13/8/2024 14:58 Antimatter Over Eurasia: Fascinating measurements and analysis of the spectrum of gamma radiation encountered during commercial airline travel.
12/8/2024 12:59 Fermions.jl: New Julia physics library: “Fermions.jl is a toolkit for designing and analysing second-quantised many-particle Hamiltonians of electrons, potentially interacting with each other.”
11/8/2024 15:46 Do Jews have horns? No, but the trope is having a comeback: If we needed any more confirmation that “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations in the U.S. and Europe are just an excuse to indulge in a frenzy of antisemitism, here it is.
11/8/2024 15:31 The Maduro Regime Is Modeling Venezuela’s Repression on Horror Movies: A weird, dark, and horrible side to Venezuela’s brutal dictatorship.
10/8/2024 14:03 Crap papers with crude political agendas published in scientific journals: A push-pull problem: This is an annoying website because it sometimes requires you to click a box to demonstrate that you’re not a robot just to read something. But Andrew Gelman’s article has insights.
10/8/2024 12:58 Texas School Bans All-Black Clothing: This would never fly in New York.
9/8/2024 14:03 More curl help: A new help flag is soon to arrive to provide documentation on curl’s 200-something command-line options.
9/8/2024 10:54 Day: Exploiting Localhost APIs From the Browser: This is an important security notice that potentially affects everyone who uses a web browser. The problem and possible remediations are well explained.
7/8/2024 15:46 The abbr element: Enjoyable article about the near-uselessness of the title element, and other topics in web design and accessibility.

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