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26/7/2024 17:28 waterlily.jl: “A differentiable and backend-agnostic Julia solver to simulate incompressible viscous flow and dynamic bodies”.
24/7/2024 11:43 Part Four of my interview at the National Portrait Gallery with Dr. Anwar Dunbar.: We talk about how to break into freelance science writing and about the Julia programming language.
23/7/2024 23:23 Diagramming and Data Visualization with Julia: I didn’t know about Vizagrams.jl, an interesting Julia library for plotting and data visualization. It implements a kind of grammar of graphics, and looks powerful.
23/7/2024 14:13 What is Entropy?: A little book by John Baez. This looks good.
18/7/2024 11:46 Einstein’s Tutor: The Story of Emmy Noether and the Invention of Modern Physics: A notice in Publishers Weekly book picks (“what we’re reading”).
14/7/2024 10:37 Rényi’s parking constant: A neat problem in probability theory applied to parallel parking.
13/7/2024 0:15 Review of Einstein’s Tutor on Netgalley: This anonymous reviewer has nice things to say about my book.
12/7/2024 23:48 The Next Big Idea Club’s September 2024 Must-Read Books: Einstein’s Tutor is on The Next Big Idea Club’s list of Must-Read Books for September 2024.
11/7/2024 19:34 Rankings of Julia books on Amazon: Graphs of Amazon’s sales ranks of their books about the Julia programming language.
11/7/2024 16:07 Einstein’s Tutor to be offered by the Bookspan Book Club: It will be a main selection in Bookspan’s Library of Science and a featured alternate in their History Book Club and Military Book Club.
9/7/2024 16:26 25% off Einstein’s Tutor: Get a discount if you preorder now at the publisher’s site. Exclusions apply. Offer ends 07/17/2024.
8/7/2024 10:46 Julia use in trading leads to massive speedup: Satvik writes on the Julia Discourse: “We use Julia for almost all numeric/data-oriented stuff now, and have moved a lot of the Python code to Julia…At this point 99% of new code I write is Julia, and for the company as a whole it’s about 50-50. The performance differential has become even more ridiculous, an experiment that used to cost ~$125 to run now costs ~.33 cents, and most of those improvements wouldn’t really have been possible in Python.”
1/7/2024 12:53 Washington Post Foreign Desk, Accused of Pro-Hamas Bias, Teems with Al Jazeera Veterans: If you read the Washington Post you need to be aware of this.
1/7/2024 0:19 IdSet in Julia 1.11: A new public type in Julia 1.11 and what it’s good for. As a bonus, a useful summary of Julia’s various equality tests.
30/6/2024 13:02 So, what do the lox-slicing knives at Zabar’s talk about when they think no one can hear them?: An entertaining fantasy set in one of my favorite stores in all the world.
25/6/2024 22:33 Ranking all the Marx Brothers movies from worst to best: Dan Epstein’s ranking of the Marx Brothers movies is close to what mine would be, and contains interesting background information. (I would also put “Duck Soup” at the top, and near the top of all the movies I’ve ever seen.)
25/6/2024 20:14 Obvious travel advice: Superior to most lists of travel tips because, contrary to the title, this advice is not entirely obvious.
16/6/2024 11:45 An Interview With Dr. Lee Phillips Part Three: Science Education And The Star Wars Defense System: Continuation of my interview at the National Portrait Gallery with Dr. Anwar Dunbar.
15/6/2024 14:35 One-liner to troubleshoot LaTeX references: John D. Cook’s note showing how to track down probable misspellings of labels and refs in your LaTeX source is also a good tutorial on the Linux comm command.

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