xml structure in tinderbox

From: Karin Armstrong <karin_lanternhouse__AT__mac.com>
Date: Mon Apr 03 2006 - 13:45:09 EDT

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for some help with a project where I have a TEI (tei-
c.org) xml text that I would like to dump into tinderbox, and explore
visually. It's easy enough to open the xml document of course, and I
can explode the text in various ways, but so far I can't see an easy
way to explode the text so that the xml tree is reflected in the
tinderbox document. i.e. all children and siblings are at the
correct level, as they are in the xml.

Any pointers or help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Received on Mon Apr 3 13:44:55 2006

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