Fundamental usability issues & bugs

From: Andy Dent <>
Date: Wed Dec 14 2005 - 20:12:30 EST


every time I try to get into Tinderbox I find myself enjoying using
it to create stuff, right up to where I run into what are either
actual bugs or real design oddities.

eg: trying to export some content.

The Export as Text dialog allows you to change templates, but the
change doesn't have any effect (yes I pressed the Update button).

The Export as HTML is a plain export - you have to know to go to the
View menu for an HTML view, to get the equivalent dialog to the
adjacent Export as Text.

Exporting gives you an obscure error message if the document template
is incorrect (eg: missing) despite the fact you set a default
template in Preferences - the error doesn't say there are two
similar prefs.

don't get me started on the clunky UI for attributes...
Received on Wed Dec 14 20:12:09 2005

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