lee-phillips.org blog post

From: Stefan Keydel <keydel__AT__mac.com>
Date: Thu Dec 22 2005 - 22:01:33 EST

I saw this post at lee-phillips.org

I understand that Dr. Phillips has soured a bit on Tinderbox lately, but
that wouldn't seem to warrant the aspersions he casts on the possible
relationship between the glowing review of Tinderbox on the Million
Monkeys Typing weblog
and the presence of an Eastgate ad on the sidebar. Indeed, it's a bit
perilous to assume that Eastgate is even paying the weblog author to
include the ad on the page. Tinderbox is (at least for the moment) a
niche application, and it seems only prudent to me that Eastgate would
advertise on a site with a high likelihood of being visited by folks who
would find Tinderbox of interest.

"Smells," indeed.

Received on Thu Dec 22 22:01:37 2005

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