Fwd: [Tb] Tinderbox for a research literature review

From: Emily Price <price.emily__AT__gmail.com>
Date: Thu Dec 15 2005 - 19:55:27 EST

Actually, I happen to have a sample file right here! The basic way it
works is this:

The "*Source" prototype is, obviously enough, the prototype for notes
representing your sources. Its key attributes include Title, Author,
PublicationDate, etc. (Basically, everything you need for an APA
citation. It also includes a "Page" attribute, but ignore that when
you're entering sources. The Citation attribute is automatically
created from the bibliographic information you enter (in LaTeX format
at the moment). As you create notes for your sources, make those notes
prototypes, too.

As you add quotations, set their prototype to the source they are from
and enter the page number in the Page attribute. I usually summarize
the quotation in the title of the note and put the actual quotation in
the body.

Having the sources at the prototypes for the quote means that you only
have to enter the citation information once and that you can do things
like color-code your sources.

Right now, it only works for sources which are books. Because the
citation style is a little different for journals, etc. you'd have to
create another prototype similar to the "*Source" prototype that
accepts the right information and formats the citation correctly. If
you need help doing that, feel free to email me.

I'm also attaching the export templates that go along with the file.
If you do an HTML export, you should end up with two files, bib.tex
and quotes.tex, both LaTeX files but missing the preamble. bib.tex is
an alphabetical list of your sources in APA format and quotes.tex
contains all your quotations with the citation information for each
following it.

If you have any questions about using the file or the export, just let
me know and I'll do my best to help you out. Also, I can help you set
up some non-LaTeX export templates if that's not something you use.

Hope that helps
- Emily

P.S. Scott: sorry you're getting this twice. for some reason, when I
hit reply on the mailing list it went to you instead of to the list.
As for the second message, I changed this to have the updated file
when I resent it.

On 12/15/05, Scott Price <sprice__AT__textuality.org> wrote:
> At 8:49 AM +1030 12/16/05, James Phillips wrote:
> >Anybody done something similar, or able to offer advice on the best
> >way to set this up? I have a reasonable understanding of the basics
> >of how to create, link and move notes in Tinderbox, but am not
> >strong in how to use attributes or aliases effectively (or
> >prototypes, for that matter, but I think the correct prototype will
> >go a long way to helping out here).
> Hello Jim--
> I'm pretty sure that folks have done things like this, though I don't
> have a file to toss you immediately. There are a few pages on the
> Tinderbox wiki that people have put together to discuss things like
> this. My apologies if you've already seen them.
> http://www.eastgate.com/wiki2/wiki.cgi?ResearchNotes
> http://www.eastgate.com/wiki2/wiki.cgi?ReferenceManager
> http://www.eastgate.com/wiki2/wiki.cgi?FootNotes
> http://www.eastgate.com/wiki2/wiki.cgi?GraduateSchool
> ... a quick scan of those doesn't show any solid "how to build a
> reference manager", though.
> ... which means perhaps we ought to make one! Seriously, if no one
> else on the list has any quick advice on setting up a reference
> manager, I'd be willing to work with you (off-list) on building
> something which I could then put up on the wiki.
> Write me off-list if you're interested.
> --Scott
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Received on Thu Dec 15 19:55:28 2005

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