Re(2): [Tb] import

From: Willem Smelik <>
Date: Thu Mar 03 2005 - 03:05:10 EST

Dear all,

many thanks for the suggestions. Drag & drop works indeed, I don't know
what went wrong yesterday (I may have tried the wrong kind of file).The
.opml-export file turned out to be unreliable, which puts an end to
attempt with opml.

Martin's suggestion to import as a single file and explode seemed
promising, and an early attempt is certainly encouraging. The original
file is a LaTeX-file, so the text is well-structured, and can be exploded
in successive turns (first all sections, then subsections, then
subsubsections). That would give me exactly what I want, in the original
order of the file.

What is more: by keeping the LaTeX-commands, I can eventually export the
whole document as a LaTeX-file again and produce a nice PDF. The best of
both worlds.

All the best


9:39 pm Wednesday, March 2, 2005 Martin Martin Spernau sent the following

>Hi Willem,
>try this: slect multiple text-files in the Finder an drag-n-drop those
>into an Tb outline-view.
>Tb should create one note per file, where the note-name is the exact
>filename and the note-text is the exact (text) content of the file (this
>also goes for binary files like GIFs, you will then have gibberish as
>I guess thos method might not be quite what you want, as the note-naming
>part is tricky (= filename)
>I have gone down another road for a book-project I wanted to have in TB:
>* I 'imported' the whole thing into ONE Tb note by copy-n-paste from
>TectEdit (it was a word .doc), thereby keeping text-formating etc.
>* I then used Tb's 'explode' command (note->explode, words only if you
>have a note slected in a view, not on the text-window) to split the text
>on certqain delimiters I put into the text first (I had used *** as
>chapter delimiter)
>The very nice thing about this is that the created sub-notes use the
>text after the delimiter as note-name (first paragraph I think). In that
>way you have very good control over the naming from within your original
>text (one big RTF file). Maybe you could use something like this:
>*** A title
>some text
>many paragraphs
>*** Next Heading
>more text
>*** And another Title
>I hope that helps you,
>> The use and versatility of agents is dawning upon me, bit by bit.
>> And with that, I realise that Tb would have been far more ideal for a
>> large "anthology" I have created, as I can twist attributes of the
>> various files, have several agents. And export their results. Better than
>> CP NoteBook. Except that I find it difficult to import my annotated
>> anthology into Tb without cut & paste until my beard reaches the tabletop.
>> So how do I import it into Tb? The original file was a simple LaTeX-file,
>> but I want to split this by paragraph into separate notes. I have
>> imported the file into NoteBook, and split it into separate cells (and
>> pages) which is relatively easy (though still a lot of work).
>> But then what - NB's export as rtf creates one file again, without the
>> cell-structure, and Tb does not recognize .opml.
>> I am experimenting with the following route:
>> * export as .opml
>> * import in HogBay Notebook (works)
>> * export each cell as a txt-file (should work)
>> * import into Tb
>> Unfortunately, step 3 gives not the result I need (it does not export all
>> cells for some reason, possibly because of non-Western fonts). However,
>> this step looks promising as long as I can identify the reason why it
>> stops exporting midway.
>> Step 4 should be easy, but the Tb manual only says: "If you drop a
>> folder, Tinderbox imports each text file in the folder". But in which
>> view? I've tried a few and nothing happened. There is no "import" menu.
>> I'm obviously missing something very easy here.
>> All the best
>> smolk
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