[Tb] Forum or tech support?

From: <jcherfas__AT__mac.com>
Date: Fri Mar 26 2004 - 03:01:12 EST

> This, incidentally, is another example of why tech support is a much
> better place to discuss details like this.? Why should we bore 30 or
> 50 people getting to the bottom of this, when Jeremy and someone at
> Eastgate could get the answer and then, if the answer is sufficiently
> interesting, report back?

Dear Mark

I have to disagree, for a couple of reasons. First, as others have
pointed out, I could easily forget to share once my problem has been
solved. Second, other people may have insights that even tech support
cannot manage. Third, who are we to decide what will bore others.
Easier to skim and ignore (or even file away mentally for some other
time) than to be ignorant of what is going on.

I like the idea of feeding the things Tech Support is working on to
somewhere more public.

Meanwhile, I'm still stymied in my desire to use the computer to do
what computers are good at. But I'll put that in another post.

Received on Fri Mar 26 03:01:12 2004

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