[Tb] Tip: Auto-entry of URLs

From: Charles Starrett <mac__AT__cstarrett.com>
Date: Wed Jun 16 2004 - 17:26:35 EDT

I'm still new at TB so maybe everyone else knows
about this, but I just noticed that if I copy a
URL to the clipboard, then go to TB and make an
internet link (by clicking on the "Create Web
Link" button on the floating Toolbar), the URL on
the clipboard is automatically copied into the
URL field in the link creation box. I always
used to click on the button *before* going to my
browser to fetch the URL, so I think that's why I
never noticed this before. It's a nice touch.

Hope this tip helps someone.


"A true gentleman is one who knows how to play the bagpipes...
...but doesn't."??- R. Acket
"Gentlemen shmentlemen." - C. Starrett
<URL: http://www.charlesstarrett.com/ >
Received on Wed Jun 16 17:26:35 2004

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