[Tb] New server

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Fri Jul 02 2004 - 10:44:38 EDT

Greetings from your list administrator!

I have moved the Tinderbox mailinglist to a new server.

You should be able to keep on posting and reading without
interruption, but you may want to attend to a few details
at your convenience:

I was able to move the subscriber list to the new machine, but
you have all lost your preferences. I'm very sorry about this
inconvenience, but there was nothing I could do about it (on the
previous server I was an ordinary user without root access, so there
were some limitations on what information I could extract.) The
only two preferences likely to be important to you are your
password and whether you want a digest or individual messages.
All the passwords have been reset to random values, so you need to
have your new, random password mailed to you. Go to the list info
page (url on the bottom of the postings) and, at the bottom of
the page, you'll see a place to go to your preference page,
and on that page a button to have your password mailed to you.
Once you have that you can set your preferences to your liking.

Or, if things are working the way you like, you don't need
to do anything.

I'm in control of this new server, so I should, when I find time, be
able to do some useful things for you. The first thing I want to
do is make a searchable archive.

There was a glitch that may have caused some messages to the list
to bounce after the changeover. If you tried to post anything
after this Tuesday, you may want to post it again. I think
everything is working now.

Thanks for you patience.

--Lee Phillips
Received on Fri Jul 2 14:44:38 2004

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