[Tb] Re: Tb for Photos

From: Jeremy Cherfas <j.cherfas__AT__cgiar.org>
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 06:51:51 EST

On 19 Feb 2004, at 19:52, Tb-request__AT__lee-phillips.org wrote:

> I'm more interested in finding other ways to use it such as managing
> photos,
> or to assist in searching for a house to buy.

I just last night started to play with the idea of using TB not to
manage photos -- that's much more easily done with something like iView
-- but to create little galleries for subsequent upload to the web.

What I want is a clickable thumbnail that then takes you to a larger
version. And that is reasonably easy to do with a macro. But so far I
have not thought of a way to generate the individual pages for the full
size images in TB. On the other hand, it is early days yet.

As an aside, to any CSS mavens out there: Is there a way to centre and
object within a division? I'd like a neat grid of thumbnails, for
example, but not all of them will be the same size (portrait vs
landscape, for one thing). So I was wondering whether it is possible to
centre the image vertically and horizontally within a container div.
Can't seem to find a way.

all the best

Received on Mon Feb 23 06:51:51 2004

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