[Tb] Use of Tinderbox by Historians

From: Pascal Venier <venier__AT__btinternet.com>
Date: Wed Aug 25 2004 - 11:56:29 EDT

I have been learning how to use tinderbox for the last month or so and I can
indeed confirm that Tinderbox's proverbial steep learning curve is not a
myth. I was for a while very tempted to give up but I persevered and I am
already truly hooked.

As an academic historian, my idea is to use among other things tinderbox to
replace both Mindmanager which I used for mind-mapping and Filemaker which I
used for storing my research notes.

I would therefore have three questions.

1. I wondered if there are around other historians or social scientists who
are currently using tinderbox for their research.

2. Using Tinderbox for mind mapping seems simple but is it possible to
include pictures and illustrations ?

3. Am I right in thinking that Tinderbox can suitably replace a simple
database designed on Filemaker.

Dr Pascal Venier
European Studies Research Institute
University of Salford
Manchester M5 4WT
United Kingdom

Received on Wed Aug 25 15:56:29 2004

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