[Tb] HTML Export and re-uploading

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Wed Apr 14 2004 - 11:55:08 EDT

My experience agrees with the design: Tinderbox only recreates an html file
if it's actually changed. Of course, when I saw what adding images to the Tinderbox
file would do to its already large size, I never went there again.

If you use the excellent tool rsync to upload your files, the actual amount of data
uploaded can be small even if you make a small change to all of your site's files:
rsync only transfers the changed parts of the file. It comes with OSX, but you
probably need shell access on your server, as a practical matter, to use it. Type
"man rsync" in the Terminal.
Received on Wed Apr 14 11:55:08 2004

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