[Tb] structuring a to do list

From: Richard Chamberlain <richard__AT__sunsetandlabrea.com>
Date: Tue Apr 06 2004 - 05:57:21 EDT


I'm a recent convert to Tinderbox and I have numerous outliner documents
that I would like to bring over. I'm not entirely sure the best way of
doing this though and would like other people's thoughts and ideas.

Currently my outlines are generally divided by project at the root level
and then subject and then either the actual items or further
categorisation. For example:

Application 1
    To do
        Add scrollbar preference
        Help File
            Add contact information
        Fix widget

Obviously Tinderbox can handle that easily but I'm not convinced that is
the best way. Firstly if I gather To Dos using an agent I can lose
important contextual information, in this example I'd get 'Add contact
information' in my to do list but without knowing that the parent was
'Help File'. That's fairly obvious in this example but my outlines tend
to be quite large.

Also I'm using the map view more and more and I feel somewhat flatter
structures are helpful because of not having to zoom in and out to see

I'm having the same kind of indecision with my work journal. Previously
I've structured it by having a top level month/year item, then have
days, and then having projects, followed by the actual note:

April 2004
    Tuesday 6th
        Application 1
            Added scrollbar preference
Again I think agents would handle this much better, perhaps I should
have projects at the top level and an agent that gathers by Month? Or a
project attribute?

There are so many ways to go ahead I'm stumped about which one to

Sorry for the long post!

Thanks for any suggestions or pointers.

Received on Tue Apr 6 05:57:21 2004

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