[Tb] Re: Tb Digest, Vol 1, Issue 3

From: Dave Checkman <d1v2d__AT__intercom.net>
Date: Sat Sep 13 2003 - 14:10:26 EDT

Lee Phillips just noted that ...

>In several emails, Dr Bernstein has made it clear that he is
>disturbed by the existence of this mailinglist; he seems to see
>it as some sort of threat, although it should be clear that
>nothing of the kind was my intention.

I've periodically checked the "official" list. There's not too much
for me there, unfortunately, as a neophyte. Several months ago now I
became involved in a lengthy mish mash there about the prospect of
having a proper manual. I've found generally that help from list
members can't make up for my having a document at hand that presents
an overview of Tinderbox's conceptual foundation as well as providing
a complementary set of clear specific instructions. Without an
overview I have a devil of a time learning most anything. A few
others also posted about the need for a good manual. (Dr. Bernstein
at some point mentioned that a revised manual wouild be published
very soon. I hasn't appeared as far as I know.)

Some present readers may remember. It turned into an excruciating
back-and-forth (and Dr. Bernstein participated) in which I finally
expressed my mounting frustration over his stonewalling responses in
none too polite terms.

Anyway, I do regret that I let good manners disappear in some of
those postings. And I've no intention of anytime soon falling into
that mode of discourse.

However, the reaction you got from Dr. Bernstein is all too familiar.
The same type of response was in full flower in the earlier episode.
It's difficult to discuss his style of dealing with the world. It can
soon lead to finding oneself doing a kitchen table analysis of his
personality. And that's a disagreeable prospect any way you look at

The only logical response, as you seem willing to do, is to just push on ahead.

Received on Sat Sep 13 14:10:26 2003

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