[Tb] trackback functionality? macros?

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 12:02:28 EST

> First, congrats to Eastgate on the shiny new Tbox 2.1 release!

This served as my personal notice of this news; thanks for posting.

> Second, I'm interested in integrating trackback functionality into my
> Tinderbox-based blog, and I'm wondering if anyone knows of an easy (or
> even not-so-easy) way to accomplish this. This is really the only thing
> that I find that I miss over the other blogging tools that I've used.

You can incorporate sending and receiving of trackbacks into any website using a variety of tools; I'll mention the two that I know something about. Note that these techniques are independent of whatever other software (Tinderbox, etc.) that you happen to use to organize or serve a static or dynamic site, and could be easily integrated into a site exported from Tinderbox through the construction of appropriate templates.

You can send trackback pings by using the python library here:


Just install, import tblib into an interactive python session, and follow the example on the website to send trackback pings. I've used this and it works fine; it can even autodiscover trackback addresses if they are not advertised. All you need is python, which can be installed anywhere.

You can receive trackback pings as long as you can install a cgi program. If python exists on your server, you can try http://markpasc.org/code/tbpy/. I haven't tried this yet, but it looks easy to use. Construct a template to generate the trackback address, and the program will make a page of ping information that you can serve or further process if you want.

I hope this gets you started. Let us know what you wind up doing, please.
Received on Tue Dec 16 12:02:28 2003

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