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Gary Null’s Goons Threaten to Sue Me and Challenge Me to Debate

Lee Phillips
April 21, 2008


Recently I heard some bad-sounding medical advice offered by someone called Gary Null on his WPFW (DC area) radio show. I took a quick look on the web to find out about this guy, and it wasn’t pretty. I wrote a letter to the station.

Response from Gary Null

So far, WPFW has not responded to me directly. However, it appears that they forwarded my email to someone within Gary Null & Associates, and got a reply from someone named Doug, which they forwarded to me.

It’s clear that there is a history of communication between people at WPFW, notably the program director, and Doug concerning the recent reduction in airtime for Gary Null’s show, and Doug’s response is in that context. It wasn’t hard to find out who Doug is, as I show later. For now I’ll display the response from Doug in full. I’ve resisted the temptation to litter the text with [sic]s, but have just copied and pasted the whole thing, leaving all the spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes as they are in the original. I think the quality of the correspondence originating from Gary Null’s organization reveals something.

Here it is:

Dear Bobby:

For every one of these letters, I can produce 100 touting the efficacy of Gary’s nutritional/lifestyle counseling. This has the distinctive handwriting of one of the Quackbuster groups’ plants. And by the way, we will be suing these phonies in the not-too-distant future. I have been intimately involved in the action and am thus intimately familiar with their coded language. I would love the good doctor to come onto Gary’s show and debate him on the merits of taking vitamin C in the dosages Gary suggests.

Gary took the high road by requesting that his audience not call into your station. Had he not done so, your station would have been inundated with mail and phone calls. I know because irate listeners called and emailed me, wanting the head of those who canceled Gary’s show.

I won’t waste anymore time dealing with Phillips’ gibberish, but I will extend an open invitation to the good doctor to come on Gary’s show and openly debate him on the vitamin C issue, Gary’s Ph.D., or anything else he would like to debate him on. It’s easy to hide in the bushes and throw rocks. So, if he can take his tail from between his legs long enough to debate, he is more than welcome. And by the way, one might accuse him of medical malpractice for not keeping up with the scientific literature - not produced by Gary - but by the world’s best medical universities and colleges. Their research supports virtually everything Gary does. But there is a disconnect in orthodoxy between the researchers and the doctors like the good doctor Phillips. And do you know who pays the price? Look in the cemeteries, the wards of hospitals, the mental institutions, etc. Phillips, undoubtedly sees no correlation between vaccines and autism. Why doesn’t he tell that to the children victimized by this archaic way of thinking? Or better yet, why doesn’t he cure children of autism as Gary has done. Why doesn’t he cure his patients of AIDS, as Gary has? Why doesn’t he cure them of cancer, as Gary has?

Rather than being upset that he sent this biased letter to me (I couldn’t fathom why, since we called of the horses who would have flooded your station with letters of support for Gary. Did you do it to show there was support for your action?) Well, it doesn’t much matter. The dye is cast.

By the way, should the good doctor accept this challenge, i would like to see his curriculum vitae in advance. And do you really thing he accidentally came across Gary’s show?

Very Truly Yours,


I thought it was amusing that Doug was threatening to sue me while also challenging me to come on the show to debate. Ever the glutton for punishment, I replied.

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