Re: [Tb] Tinderbox, OmniOutliner, and GTD

From: Nik <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 12:21:20 -0600

Thanks for posting that, Lee. It pretty much encapsulates my own
experience with TinderBox.

While TB is an excellent program that can do some amazing things, it
is especially good at dealing with large amounts of information,
which it can store as little snippets. While it was once one of the
only games in town, there are now dozens of snippet keepers,
outliners, mind-mappers, and idea trappers on the Mac and the PC.

Of all these programs, the very best are those specifically designed
to play well with others. TB stands almost alone among applications
which do not permit you to input new items directly from other programs.

Because of this, despite my great enthusiasm for the potential of
TinderBox, my TB documents sit unused, dusty, and forgotten. Instead,
NoteTaker, OmniOutliner and text files make up the majority of my
thought tracking. Through Applescript, services, contextual menus,
and LaunchBar, I can quickly track what I need to track and stay in
the "flow" of my work.

TinderBox's export abilities, while laudable, also require a great
deal of tweaking and help to make them reliable. Meantime, open
standards like OPML have made other programs communicate seamlessly
without any requirement that I write a new text export.

It's a shame, too. TinderBox is AMAZING and powerful. But it's also

Received on Mon Jun 19 2006 - 15:02:22 EDT

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