Very new user

From: Sue Malvern <>
Date: Sat Feb 18 2006 - 07:13:42 EST

I am very new to using TB.

Can anyone explain OnAdd?

I want to drag notes from one TB file to a container in a new TB
file. The dragged notes will be children of the container. Can I set
an OnAdd action that makes the new dragged notes take on a specific
prototype (ie color attribute and so on)? Is this impossible to do?

In the 'rename note' window, there is a sub-window for an OnAdd
Action, but I haven't understood what I need to do to activate this,
and what the syntax ought to be ie Prototype = "the name of the
prototype I have already created"?

Many thanks for your patience.

Received on Sat Feb 18 07:13:46 2006

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