Back up your preferences!

From: Lee Phillips <>
Date: Tue Dec 13 2005 - 15:12:32 EST

A while back I downloaded Tinderbox 3.0.1 and fired it up. It quit immediately
without a message, and before opening any windows (a few bounces in the dock
and then the icon just vanished). I tried it again with the same result, then
tried to launch the version I had been using, 2.5, and _that_ did the same
thing. After replacing the Tinderbox preference file (in ~/Library/Preferences)
with a backup, v. 2.5 works again.

I haven't wanted to try to launch any more recent versions, and have no plans
to, especially as my free upgrade period is over. Instead, I am gradually
replacing Tinderbox with a loosely-coupled assembly of open source tools.
Several other people are thinking along these lines: see
for example. In the meantime, my aging copy of the program is serving me well
    during this awkward transition period.
Received on Tue Dec 13 15:12:34 2005

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