[Tb] Word export: (was) Hoist in Explorer View?

From: David J Garbutt <d.garbutt>
Date: Tue May 10 2005 - 07:24:12 EDT

> This is the template that I use for those sorts of things:
Thanks Scott and Jason,
You are stars.
- that is exactly what I was looking for,
I just had no frazzle left to work out the depth trick, and I should have
asked the list earlier. Silly Me.

Thanks also to Mark who sent me something very fast.

Presentation is put to bed now (me, not ;-) and the panic is subsiding a

BTW I paid my sub for 2.4, and that seemed to work better after that. (I was
using 2.2 before)


Dave Garbutt
Ingelsteinweg 4d
CH 4143 Dornach
+41 79 326 8970  (Home: 061 692 6349)
I see something of myself in everyone,
Just at this moment of the world
Joni Mitchell, ?Hejira?
Received on Tue May 10 07:23:56 2005

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