[Tb] math on HTML Export?

From: Lee Phillips <lee>
Date: Fri Jul 01 2005 - 18:14:03 EDT

I just took a glance at the release notes for the latest version
(2.5) and I noticed the new, experimental attribute HTMLExportCommand:

 --> A new string attribute, HTMLExportCommand, allows you to apply a
 --> program or script to each exported HTML file.

 --> If HTMLExportCommand is empty, no special action is performed.

 --> Otherwise, the exported file is piped to the standard input of
 --> the command line in HTMLExportCommand, and the file is replaced
 --> by command line's standard output.
 So, in cases where you only need to apply your script to changed pages,
 Tinderbox can do it for you, saving you a step.
Received on Fri Jul 1 17:22:49 2005

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