[Tb] default link type

From: Martin Spernau <martin__AT__traumwind.de>
Date: Thu Feb 03 2005 - 04:28:41 EST

Does anybody else have this 'problem':

When I create an interdocument link, the link-type defaults to
'*untitled'... And in the HTML export this string is then used as the
title= attribute of the link.
Now if I manually delete the link-type (Browse Links dialog) and apply,
the exported title= attribute is set to the actual title of the page
linked to. Now this is a very nice thing, which I would love to have as
the default...
[correction: for some reason I saw that behaviour in the HTMLview, but
now in the export the links simply don't have atitle attribute. That's
ok too...]
In the 2.3 manual it hints that is actually what should happen:
> A link does not need to have a type. If you do not assign it a
> type to a link, it will not have one.

I'm using Tb 2.3.4, so this might be a minor 'bug'?
What could I do to get this default behavior in my documents? I tried
the link-types dialog in 'attributes' but can't seem to get an empty
Btw,: I have found the paths-view window very helpfull in my task of
correcting link-types. But as far as I can see, the 'rename entire path'
button on the lower right of that dialog does 'nothing'(?)

Sorry if this a know bug and was discussed to death elsewhere, I'm
currently mostly offline and have very limited access to online sources
(WiKi etc)

Thanks again for any hints and pointers!
Received on Thu Feb 3 09:28:41 2005

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