[Tb] HTMLEntities and ^encode

From: Mark Bernstein <bernstein__AT__eastgate.com>
Date: Fri Oct 29 2004 - 12:03:39 EDT

We really do prefer to do tech support in email,=20
or ichat, or through the wiki. Among other=20
things, this avoids boring everybody with threads=20
of routine clarifications.

- - - -

Let's say I have a note with the following text,=20
which contains three "special" characters:

        =C5ngstrom & G=F6del

When exporting to HTML, we normally need to=20
translate three of these characters to HTML=20

        =C5 becomes &Aring;
        & becomes &amp;
        =F6 becomes &ouml;

And that's exactly what ^text^ exports by default.

        <p>&Aring;ngstrom &amp; G&ouml;del</p>

If I don't want this conversion, I can turn off HTMLEntities. I'll get

        <p>=C5ngstrom & Godel</p>

Note that, even if HTMLEntities is true,=20
Tinderbox does *not* convert '<' and '>' to their=20
respective entities unless HTMLQuoteHTML is also=20
set; this ensures that embedded HTML will work as=20

Mark Bernstein             bernstein__AT__eastgate.com    (617) 924-9044
Eastgate Systems Inc       http://www.eastgate.com/  (800) 562-1638
134 Main Street            http://www.hypertextKitchen.com/
Watertown MA 02472 USA     http://www.markbernstein.org/
Received on Fri Oct 29 16:03:39 2004

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