[Tb] Moving Files Using an Agent?

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Fri May 14 2004 - 13:15:56 EDT

> Is there a way to move notes using an agent?

Agents set the values of attributes, and I don't see
an attribute that will do what you want. You can move
a note in space (there are x and y coordinate attributes)
but I don't see a way to change a note's container. If this
can be done I hope someone else explains how.
> Also, how can I look at the construction of an agent in someone
> else's template?
> In the Grey Flannel template, the author says that the Main Page is
> an agent. I haven't
> yet found a way to look at that agent to see how it does what he says it
> does.

Agents are special containers in the Tinderbox document that gather
notes that match criteria that you define by populating themselves
with aliases of those notes. They can also change the values of
attributes of their children (these gathered aliases), which does
the same thing to the original notes. Aliases are separate from
templates, which define how notes are exported (in this case to
HTML pages). If the Grey Flannel author says that his main page
is an agent, he probably means that the contents of that page are
gathered and perhaps modified by an agent; he will also have built
a template to export the agent and its contents as the web page.
The only way to see his template or his agent is to ask him
to show them to you.
Received on Fri May 14 13:15:56 2004

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