[Tb] Scalability and Publishing Advice

From: Mark Bernstein <bernstein__AT__eastgate.com>
Date: Thu Dec 09 2004 - 10:38:06 EST

>Maybe frames (erg!) is the way to go here. Would be nice if hovering
>over an unexpanded header (TBspeak: "note tile") would give a popup
>of the unexposed descendents.

There's an example of using CSS and Javascript to implement a nice,
standards-friendly outlliner on a Web page in the Tinderbox Weekend

Two general guidelines I've found helpful when thinking about new
templates -- especially templates where I don't fully understand
exactly how the HTML/CSS/whatever design should be implemented:

a) start by sketching just the Web page, using dummy information or
greeked text. Solve the HTML puzzles in isolation. That way, you'll
KNOW exactly what Tinderbox should export, and if something doesn't
work, you'll have a working version with which to compare it.

b) Test your template in small, agile environments. It often pays to
put together a small experimental Tinderbox just for testing the
templates -- perhaps a copy of your main document, trimmed radically
so you only have a few notes. Again, a small, controlled and easily
understandable workbench is best for experimenting.

Remember: HTML View is your friend.

Mark Bernstein             bernstein__AT__eastgate.com    (617) 924-9044
Eastgate Systems Inc       http://www.eastgate.com/  (800) 562-1638
134 Main Street            http://www.hypertextKitchen.com/
Watertown MA 02472 USA     http://www.markbernstein.org/
Received on Thu Dec 9 15:38:06 2004

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