[Tb] Agents to update children?

From: Dean H. Saxe <dean__AT__fullfrontalnerdity.com>
Date: Mon Aug 16 2004 - 20:36:25 EDT

I am looking for a way to have an agent collect projects from my To Do
list that have been marked as Completed and update the projects
children (tasks) to be completed, as well. I have been poking around
with TB for a month or so and I just can't figure this one out.

As well, I'd love to figure out how to create an agent that collects
projects and individual project tasks based on due dates (e.g. project
is due today, list the project and all of its dependent children). I
have something like this now that collects items that have *Project and
*Task prototypes, however, this doesn't maintain them in their natural
order or grouping/indentation.

Any help on these tasks is greatly appreciated.


Dean H. Saxe, CEH
"What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that
they are extreme, but that they are intolerant."
        -- Robert F. Kennedy, 1964
Received on Tue Aug 17 00:36:25 2004

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