[Tb] Including "source code" in notes

From: Gary King <gwking__AT__cs.umass.edu>
Date: Wed Apr 07 2004 - 11:23:42 EDT

I'd like to have a note that includes some source code (Lisp in this
case). For example:

blah, blah, blah...

  (defun mean (list)
   (let ((sum 0) (count 0))
     (loop for x in list do
           (incf sum x)
           (incf count))
     (float (/ sum count))))

blah, blah, blah...

The problem is that Tinderbox treats each line of the source code as a
separate paragraph which means that the source code is all separated
out with great big gaps... Some programs let you type "control+Return"
to add a newline without starting a new paragraph but Tinderbox doesn't
seem to allow this.

Any ideas...

Gary Warren King, Lab Manager
EKSL East, University of Massachusetts * 413 577 0176
On Macintosh computers: "Life is hard enough.  It's nice to sit down to 
a piece of technology that actually makes you feel good to use it,"
   -- Rick Stevens, University of Chicago
Received on Wed Apr 7 11:23:42 2004

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