Re: [Tb] Tinderbox, OmniOutliner, and GTD

From: Benoit Pointet <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 21:37:16 +0200

> a palette of examples, geared to different uses, with explanations
> and suggestions about the different ways in which they could be
> modified

This practical palette of examples is what I most often missed in
Tinderbox. Tinderbox proposes many great ways of presenting
information (maps, outlines, ...) and the team is apparently working
on implementing better drag'n'drop and imports; but I think such a
palette provided with the software would be of a great help to
everyone: time saving, and putting aside the technical aspects of
Tinderbox when in a hurry.

Some ideas for such a palette, I thought of:
- The templates should run on any Tinderbox file (use only System
Attributes, Users may add theirs to the templates),
- The palette should provide for each Tinderbox View Mode (Map,
OUtline, ...) an XTHML (or SVG) template,
      even more, there could be a suite of templates that would
render a Tinderbox File as it's XHTML equivalent,
- The palette should provide templates that allow the translation of
a Tinderbox file into another file format (OPML, ...),
- The palette should provide some classic & clear Textual Pagination

This would also have the benefit to clearly state some
straightforward possibilities Tinderbox offers, (it would also show
what's not so easy to do with Tbx).

Received on Tue Jul 11 2006 - 15:37:16 EDT

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